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International Children's Digital Library
The mission of the International Children’s Digital Library Foundation is to excite and inspire the world's children to become members of the global community – children who understand the value of tolerance and respect for diverse cultures, languages and ideas -- by making the best in children's literature available online.
Light Up Your Brain and Sound Stories
"The Light Up Your Brain and Sound Stories Web sites offer downloadable audio versions of popular fairy tales and storybooks. Available as MP3 files, these stories can be enjoyed in the classroom listening center, car, or family room. A wide variety of Titles, including such classics as Peter Rabbit, Rapunzel, and The Empoeror's NBew Clothes, make these sites a no-cost alternative to books on tape." - Book Links Nov. 2007.
Candlelight Stories
"Candlelight Stories presents free audio stories for children. You can listen to our stories right here or subscribe to our podcast and play the stories on your iPod. We update our story list often."
"Starfall is a free online program designed to help children learn to read. This site contains a series of animated interactive storybooks at beginning, intermediate, and advanced reading levels." - Book Links Nov. 2007 Primarily designed for first grade, Starfall is also useful for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and second grade.